
Do All To The Glory Of God

While the Bible tells us to do all to the glory of God, many Christian leaders today seem to be teaching others to have a more selfish outlook. In 2014,…

What Is The Purpose Of Christian Apologetics?

What is Christian apologetics? The term ‘apologetics’ is taken from the Greek word ‘apologia’, which means ‘speaking in defence’. The purpose of the Christian apologetics ministry is to defend the…

Self-Righteousness In The Church

Self-righteousness – the outward appearance vs the heart Self-righteousness is a huge problem within the Church.  To be self-righteous means to believe in one’s own righteousness: that one is morally…

Prayer Meetings And Prayer

The problem with prayer meetings Why is it that so few people come to prayer meetings? Why are prayer meetings mostly lifeless? And why do some of those who attend…

Are Creation And Evolution Compatible?

Are creation and evolution compatible?  Many Christians would say yes, and try to make the Bible fit in with evolution because they have more faith in scientific claims than they…

The End Times

The New Testament is full of warnings concerning the ‘last days’ or ‘end times’, where destruction and wickedness will prevail, and half the population of the earth will be wiped…

God, Father Christmas, And The Tooth Fairy

The number of British people calling themselves atheists is increasing daily. Up until the 1980s British schools had a Christian foundation, teaching Christian ways. Now, however, the names of God…

Has God Forgotten The Jews?

The Hebrew Tanakh (known to Christians as the Old Testament) claimed that Christ would come and bring salvation to the Jews, and would defeat their enemies. The Jews were waiting…

Fear Of Extinction And Evolution

Why is there fear of extinction? The fear of extinction among those who believe in evolution seems rather strange.  According to evolution, each living thing is supposed to have evolved…